Code and Theory was approached by Big Think to collaboratively define the structure, functionality, and experience of a project that would realize Big Think's vision of becoming a true forum for the exchange of ideas online. Code and Theory designed and developed the site, structuring the interface to surface the best of editorial content while also encouraging users to generate true public discourse around big ideas and issues.
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Big Think offers exclusive video interviews with an expanding roster of experts and luminaries in fields such as the arts, politics, business, science and technology. Users can search thousands of clips hosted on Big Think by question, by name, and by topic. Information is categorized in an area called Browse Ideas, where content is divided between Meta (intangible concepts such as emotion, truth, love, wisdom, etc.) and Physical (business, history, people, design, technology, etc.).
The site encourages participation in several ways; offering users the ability to reply to features and ideas with their own ideas or comments, pose questions to other users and experts, and rate ideas and discussions based on their degree of "interestingness." Additionally, Big Think founders wanted the origination of ideas on the site be transparent, whether they be from experts, users, or Big Think’s editorial staff. Code and Theory responded with a distinctive color strategy to combat this concern, such that source of content is now easily distinguishable.