Putting More Salt on US Tables
The Background
Morton Salt is an iconic brand that has been around for over 170 years. Unfortunately, the digital value of Morton Salt wasn’t flourishing as much as the value its products convey.
Morton Salt first came to Code and Theory to overhaul the online site. As a company, Morton felt they were falling behind in the digital world and wanted to invest in their online presence, starting with the Morton Salt website. Code and Theory was tasked with coming up with the concept and strategy for the entire site, as well as design and development.
However, it wasn’t just the website that we needed to focus on. Morton Salt’s social media and digital campaigns weren’t generating the expected amount of interaction from its core audiences, which range from adults, cooks and chefs, and B2B constituents.
Code and Theory works in close digital partnership with Morton Salt to increase digital engagement and facilitate purchase of its products through web platforms, social media and digital campaigns.
More Than Table Salt
We created a one-of-a-kind website with a design that still stands out years after delivery.
Our strategy centered on three key points:
Focus on Education: Everyone uses salt, but we needed to clarify the benefits of different salt and transform passive trust to active preference.
Encourage Action: Help users to complete their journey on the site with an action, whether that is finding a store or redirecting to an online retailer or creating recipes
Design with Flexibility: The website is designed to service consumer and business audiences effortlessly and beautifully

Social Media
Putting More Salt In People's Feeds
We worked with Morton to create a unique copy style for Morton Salt social posts to to keep the brand voice specific. The three pillars of Morton copy are: Inspirational / Informational /Extraordinary.
Recipes including salt content were created based on search data around millennial cooking trends. When they execute common searches. Morton’s content was there.
We developed a cohesive look and feel for all posts, convey the Morton brand regardless of content, and clear graphic design style with incorporation of broader storylines, including the use of more recipes.

The Right Salt
Morton wanted millennial chefs to buy more types of salt and understand why kosher, fine and coarse sea salt are important ingredients for home chefs. Following the consumer cooking journey we placed content in key moments along the way.
To create our recipes, we first researched some of the most used search terms people use when researching things to used cook. We then those terms as a starting point for our recipes and optimized our copy for SEO and our different types of user segments with various levels of cooking experience.
Inspired by Beyonce’s “Soundboard,” we produced a companion campaign that further pushed the idea of understanding salts. The Saltboard is a draggable board of salt tips. Each tip points back to a recipe from The Right Salt. Each tip is a short video, and shareable gif that Morton distributes across social to point towards the board and The Right Salt. Providing another entry point for millennials along their cooking journey.