The Equifax B2B product ecosystem consisted of several individual tools that needed better usability and integration to meet customer needs. Additionally, Equifax had recently acquired a smaller credit search company, whose products needed to seamlessly integrate into the tools and services of the Equifax B2B customer portal.
The Strategy
We worked as one team with Equifax, closely collaborating on a daily basis, working through incredibly complex business and product requirements, while also ensuring that our work would scale and extend into their cross-market system.
User-Centered Approach
Coming to this work from outside Equifax, we were able to really challenge their current products and reorganize them based on what would be the most intuitive for their customers based on their needs and behaviors, and divorced from how the business was organized.
Easing the Transition Through Intuitive FTUX
Any time we redesign a platform with high customer usage, the transition can be tough - no matter how good the design, so we invested time in creating an onboarding experience to ensure new users know exactly where to find the information and actions they need, as soon as they need them.
Enhancing the credit report
While all data points needed to remain in tact and in the order they exist today, we worked to make the report far more effective through the use of a 1-sheeter summary, color coding, visual information hierarchy, allowing for sections to be opened and closed for quick scanning and optimizing for mobile.
The Outcome
The outcomes of our work together included:
A single design system with reusable patterns to unify the product suite
Unification of task flows among products to unify a previously siloed set of tools
Update the overall structure and organization of information across screens based on user needs to aid in efficient task completion
Established a first-time user experience to onboard users to the new experience, and ease the transition from old to new product
Code and Theory is a strategically driven, digital-first agency that lives at the intersection of creativity and technology. We solve consumer and business problems with end-to-end solutions that flex to meet the needs of today’s ever-changing digital landscape.
Our Services
We provide a range of offerings built to support the entire ecosystem.
Data, Analytics and Research
Our data-driven approach enables us to understand every aspect of end-to-end consumer journeys, and powers our work from start to finish.
Business & Organizational Consulting
We work with our clients not only to define and deliver products, services and communications, but also to design the business itself.
Transformational Technology
We help our clients reinvent their technical infrastructure and roadmap in order to deliver for the needs of today and tomorrow.
Services, Platforms & Products
We create best-in-class platforms built around both the user and the business goals, often extending into connected physical expressions.
Integrated Marketing
We deliver the right messages to new and existing customers across the entire ecosystem.
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