A Workshop to Drive Transformation
We believe organizational transformation needs a new approach—one that is design oriented. Why? Design is inherently human-centric. Human factors often determine the success or failure of transformation initiatives. Organizations that do not have alignment around a shared vision, an open culture or the right change management in place don’t succeed with their transformation initiatives.
The goal of this workshop is to help you and your key players take the first step to unlocking transformation: understanding where your organizational barriers are.
We have applied this tried-and-tested framework across many of our Fortune 500 clients, mapping their “maturity” along Six Factors of Transformation: Vision, Creation, Speed, Capabilities, Culture and Alignment. Together, we will leverage proprietary diagnostic tools, exercises and problem mapping to uncover which factors you need to address in order to enable more successful ideation.
Sign Up For The Workshop
Reach out to learn more about this client workshop or attend a session.
Transformation workshops designed for your needs
One-on-one consultation
After listening to the challenges your organization is facing, we'll work with you to design an experience tailored for problem solving, and deliver tangible tools and frameworks to jumpstart your transformation.
Team transformation
Designed as a group experience, we’ll build new capabilities within your team and identify their collective barriers. Your team will leave with a roadmap, action plan, and frameworks to propel their work.
Expert co-creation
We designed this session to facilitate collaboration with experts from other organizations similar to yours. You’ll learn from the collective failures and successes of business leaders and find ways to apply the insights to your own company.

What you’ll takeaway:
- The Heart of the Problem: Exercises to uncover human and organizational barriers preventing successful transformation.
- A Transformation Assessment: A 15-point assessment to understand and compare your organization’s readiness to transform.
- Organizational Growth Tools: Proprietary strategies to deal with people challenges, alignment issues and logistical barriers.
- A Way Forward: A tangible roadmap, next steps and dependencies so that you can start reactivating your transformation initiatives immediately.
Who needs this workshop?
- You need to navigate bureaucracy and complex business structures.
- You are under pressure to be more efficient and cut costs.
- You work with cross-functioning disciplines with different ideologies.
- You must come up with the next big idea to grow the business.
- You love your job, but hate the process.

Join Us
As our guest, you will embark on four interactive exercises and our transformation assessment framework, with hands-on guidance by senior Code and Theory experts. These exercises, group conversations and practical use cases will give attendees a new perspective and practical tools on problem-solving and first-hand accounts of tools used by Fortune 500 companies to ignite change.
Sign Up For The Workshop
Reach out to learn more about this client workshop or attend a session.